Cheerful Sunday xD

*points to the title* . . . . . .not really.

A message awaken me today at 10+ in the morning, it was from Jodie(and Akiko) asking me out to Midvalley :o
Good thing I woke up because of the message, if not I wouldve missed the opportunity =p
I actually set my alarm to set of on 9 o'clock but I cant hear it, I think Im too sleepy since I slept at 4am the day before ><
Sorry I made you girls wait, next time inform me minimum 1 hour before departure xPP

Went to Midvalley with a taxi.
Can you guess where we went first? SUSHI KING again!!!!!! x_x
Jodie was sick (coughing/sore throat), so me and Akiko just follow what Jodie wants, we pity her :P

the 'train' at Sushi King

Its 1st August, they are having 'unagi season'.
Me and Jodie ordered the unagi bento and Akiko took the Chicken piri piri set xD
Costs me 22 ringgit, but it is more fulfilling and delicious compared to the sushi I bought the day before x.x

Jodie browsing the menu

Unagi bento desu~ ;3

After eating Jodie went to Watsons to get her stuffs while me and Akiko entered the MPH bookshop to look around. As usual, Akiko browsed the history section, and she found 2 books. Since her birthday is at the 2nd August and I dont know what should I give her........I just payed for one of the books as her present xD

15 minutes passed, and we were looking for Jodie if she already finished shopping in that shop or not. . . .which turns out to be no (the first person I know to spent more than 30 minutes [refer to the time written below] in such a small guardian-like shop O.o)
We sat outside Watsons for like 20 minutes and find her again, but she wasnt there <_<"

Akiko called her, and Jodie thought we ditched her and went somewhere else xD
Jodie found a present for Akiko's birthday, its a cool designed drinking cup ;p
After that our next stop is in carrefour, they wanted to buy a toilet paper, a drinking bottle and big mineral waters :O

5 litre bottles and toilet paper ;p

Went back at 6, and get ready for the futsal competition.
1st match against I dont know where they came from probably Saudi, I thought our rival disqualified since they came late, but turns out the game just go on 5 vs 4(enemy's goalkeeper came late)
We won 3-0, Nima scored twice and I forgot who scored the other one. Oh I became the defender in that match.

2nd match against Sudans, I became the defender again.
They are tall and fast and ROUGH!!
Pushing here and there every second x__x
Too bad we lost the match 1-0
They scored when I was substituted into the game, I feel guilty D:
They are one of the best futsal teams.

Last match against Iraq(ians?), and I was the goalkeeper.
Same as the 2nd match but they were softer xD
It started to rain and the court getting slippery. . .thats when they shoot the ball to the right corner of the goalpost and Im on the left corner. . . .Im trying to jump to the right but the slippery court prevents me from reaching the ball and 1-0 for them.
Not long after that they scored again by ole-ing me =X
The match ends and we couldnt qualify to the next round X(
sorry mates ):

Before I went to the canteen to have my dinner, someone was about to get his car out of parking but there was a car parking behind it. The driver were pissed of. . .
But eventually some arabs came to help him by trying to shift the car out. . .
I thought it was a joke, but they really moved the car perpendicularly to how it was parked XDD

the car was in vertical position, but the arab guys managed to move the rear part of it to the left....and the picture shows they were moving the front part to the right.

not much difference from the picture above since I took the picture late (didnt thought of taking pictures at first), mission accomplished ;D

-the end-


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